2008 Poster Prize

2008 Poster Prize

2008 Poster Prize Winner: James Cairns  Civic Ritual in Era of Politics-As-Usual: Newspaper Coverage of the Legislative Opening in Ontario, 1945-2007 Excerpt from jury report: The poster examined an important question: the evolution of media coverage of a key moment...
2008 Poster Prize

2008 John McMenemy Prize

2008 John McMenemy Prize Winner: Amanda Bittner The Effects of Information and Social Cleavages: Explaining Issue Attitudes and Vote Choice in Canada, Canadian Journal of Political Science 40:4Excerpt from jury report: This article tackles an important and enduring...
2008 Poster Prize

2008 Jill Vickers Prize

2008 Jill Vickers Prize Winner: Ethel Tungohan (University of Toronto)Gender and Multiculturalism: Analyzing the Relationship between Multiculturalism, Liberalism and Women’s Rights (2007 CPSA conference paper)Excerpt from jury report: This paper seeks to revisit...
2008 Poster Prize

2008 C.B. Macpherson Prize

2008 C.B. Macpherson Prize Winner: Monique DeveauxGender and Justice in Multicultural Liberal States (Oxford University Press, 2006)Excerpt from jury report: Monique Deveaux’s Gender and Justice in Multicultural Liberal State deepens our understanding of the...
2008 Poster Prize

2008 Donald Smiley Prize

2008 Donald Smiley Prize Winner: Douglas Macdonald (University of Toronto)Business and Environmental Politics in Canada (Broadview Press, 2007)Excerpt from jury report: Macdonald’s book is well-written, accessible, concise, and one of the most outstanding studies of...
2008 Poster Prize

2007 Vincent Lemieux Prize

2007 Vincent Lemieux Prize Winner: Ellen Gutterman (University of Toronto)On Corruption and Compliance: Explaining State Compliance with the 1997 OECD Anti-Bribery ConventionExcerpt from jury report: Gutterman’s thesis provides a compelling analysis of why...