Message from CPSA Past President
Richard Johnston
Presidential Matching Donation Campaign
Indigenous Content Syllabus Materials
A Resource for Political Science Instructors in Canada
Canadian Political Science Association Reconciliation Committee

CPSA Women’s Caucus
The Women’s Caucus of the Canadian Political Science Association (CPSA) is a network of members of the CPSA who seek to promote equal opportunities and the status of women within the ranks of Canadian Political Science. An informal network, the caucus meets once a year at the Annual Meeting the Canadian Political Science Association. It works to mentor women entering the field, to provide opportunities for networking among its members, to raise the visibility of women in the field, and to address and advocate on gender issues more generally.
Please consider joining the CPSA Women’s Caucus Facebook group.

The Newsletter of the Canadian Political Science Association
POLCAN2 is sent out every Wednesday and open to CPSA members and non-members. It brings news and job postings from the Canadian political science community, an extensive list of departments specialized in different areas of social sciences, and useful information about disciplinary and multidisciplinary events and conferences provided by universities and associations around the world.
We invite you to subscribe (free subscription) to POLCAN2!
If you are interested in promoting academic events and job postings that might be of interest to our members and subscribers, please email your posting -attaching high definition pictures, pdfs, etc.- to [email protected]
CPSA Parliamentary Internship Programme Transition Committee
On 1 June 2023, the Board of Directors of the Canadian Political Science Association (CPSA) voted to establish a Parliamentary Internship Programme Transition Committee. This ad hoc committee is composed of Willem Maas (Glendon), Jonathan Malloy (Carleton), Alex Marland (Acadia), François Rocher (Ottawa), and Lisa Young (Calgary), and its mandate is to work with the House of Commons toward establishing a new administrative arrangement for the Parliamentary Internship Programme that ensures its sustainability and embodies academic integrity, non-partisanship, and bilingualism. The Committee will submit a preliminary report to the CPSA Board in December 2023, an interim report in May 2024, and a final report in December 2024.
For questions and comments, please contact the Committee’s Chair, Dr. Malloy, at [email protected]
Parliamentary Internship

Every year since 1970, the Parliamentary Internship Programme has welcomed 10 young professionals to Parliament Hill from September through June. The paid, non-partisan interns are selected through a national competition.
Ontario Legislature Internship Programme

The Ontario Legislature Internship Programme was established in 1975 and is administered by the Canadian Political Science Association and supported by a financial grant from the Legislative Assembly of Ontario.

Mental Health Resources on Your Campus
Acadia – Alberta – Athabasca – Bishop’s – Brock – Burman – Calgary
Cape Breton – Carleton – Concordia – Dalhousie – Glendon – Guelph
King’s – Lakehead – Laurentian – Laurier – Laval – Lethbridge
Manitoba – McGill – McMaster – Memorial – Mount Allison – Mount Royal
Mount Saint Vincent – Ottawa – Queen’s – Regina – RMC CMR – Ryerson
Saskatchewan – SMU – SFU – Sherbrooke – STFX – Toronto
Toronto Mississauga – Toronto Scarborough – Trent – UBC – UdeM
UFV – UNB – UNBC – UPEI – UQAM – UVIc – Waterloo – Western
Windsor – Winnipeg – York – CMHA ACSM – camimh acmmsm
Canadian Political Science Association
The Canadian Political Science Association began its activities in 1912 and was incorporated under the Canada Corporation Act in 1971. The main purpose of the CPSA is to facilitate and promote the study of politics and government in Canada. Through varied activities, it seeks to connect students, researchers, journalists, practitioners, teachers and all individuals interested in the discipline to one another and to international resources for the study of politics and government.