2019 Presidential Address

Life and Death of an Issue:
Canadian Political Science and Quebec Politics
Introduction: Guy Laforest
Directeur général de l’École nationale d’administration publique -ÉNAP

“My intention is to show that Canadian political science has examined the Quebec/Canada relationship from four different angles: 1) its interest in Quebec politics was part of the urgency of the moment, based on a crisis that challenged the foundations of the political system; 2) it questioned the legitimacy of the sources of the dispute, namely the compatibility between the new expressions of Quebec nationalism with the presumed principles on which the Canadian political community had been founded; 3) Quebec nationalism also encouraged a reflection on the existence (or not) of “English Canada” as a sociological and political reality; 4) the combination of the first three factors caused the prescriptions for getting out of, or resolving the crisis, to evolve over time, to the point of rendering research on this issue obsolete.”
Words of Thanks: Nadia Verrelli
Laurentian University