2017 CPSA Three Minutes Thesis Prize

Winner: Ioana Alexandra Manoliu (Université de Montréal)
Photo: Three Minute Thesis Competition (Finals), Renan Levine (Chair) and Ioana Alexandra Manoliu (Prize recipient), June 1, 2017 | POD-366 (Podium Building) | Ryerson University
Does My Favourite Political TV Series Make Me Cynical?
Excerpt from jury report: Ioana Alexandra Manoliu’s presentation summarized her recent experimental research into how watching a tv show like “House of Cards” makes people more cynical. After watching only one episode of “House of Cards,” her subjects showed substantial declines in their level of political trust.
Runners Up: Adib Bencherif (Université d’Ottawa)
Des rébellions touarègues au Mali et au Niger à l’exploration des récits : les pratiques de représentation temporelle et spatiale
Runners Up: Samantha Jackson (McMaster University)
Politicizing the White Coat: Medical Activism and Refugee Health Policy in Berlin and London
Runners Up: Anna Kuteleva (University of Alberta)
The Social Construction of Energy: China’s Energy Relations with Canada, Kazakhstan, and Russia