2022 Prix francophone de l’ACSP

Winner: Jean-François Payette
Politique étrangère du Québec. Entre mythe et réalité (Québec. Presses de l’Université Laval, 2020)
Excerpt from jury report: Politique étrangère du Québec is a theoretical and empirical reflection on the role that non-sovereign entities can play on the international scene. Going back to New France, the author takes a historical tour to demonstrate the origins of the idea of international relations in Quebec. In doing so, the author carefully discusses the differences between international relations policy, international politics, and foreign policy, in order to demystify the role that Quebec can play on the international scene. The committee members were particularly impressed with the book’s empirical effort, compiling a significant number of interviews, archival research, and content analysis, thus contributing directly to knowledge in the field of Quebec and Canadian foreign policy.