2020 Prix francophone de l’ACSP

2020 Prix francophone de l’ACSP

2020 Prix francophone de l’ACSP Winner: Guillaume SauvéSubir la victoire : essor et chute de l’intelligentsia libérale russe (1987-1993) (Les Presses de l’Université de Montréal, 2019)Excerpt from jury report: In this book, the author recounts the commitment of...
2019 John McMenemy Prize

2019 John McMenemy Prize

2019 John McMenemy Prize Winner: Melanee Thomas In Crisis or Decline? Selecting Women to Lead Provincial Parties in Government | Canadian Journal of Political Science, 51:2 Photo: Melanee Thomas (University of Calgary) June 5, 2019 | CPSA President’s Dinner | Sheraton...
2019 Vincent Lemieux Prize

2019 Vincent Lemieux Prize

2019 Vincent Lemieux Prize Winner: Alexandre Paquin-Pelletier (University of Toronto)Radical Leaders: Status, Competition, and Violent Islamic Mobilization in IndonesiaPhoto: Daniel Salée (Programme Committee Chair) and Alexandre Paquin-Pelletier (University of...
2019 Poster Prize

2019 Poster Prize

2019 Poster Prize Winner: Nish ChankarSeven’s a Crowd, Eight’s a Party; the Transition from Caucus Colleague to Independent MemberPhoto: Don Desserud (Posters Section Head), Nish Chankar (Ontario Legislature Internship Programme – recipient) and Mario Levesque...