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Contribute to a Thriving CPSA!


To address intense financial challenges, due to declining journal revenues and fluctuating annual membership revenues, the CPSA has implemented numerous cost savings measures. But we’re not yet financially stable.


Your donation will help ensure that the CPSA thrives now and into the future.


Donations will be doubled by proceeds from the Presidential Matching Fund.


Created by many of our Past Presidents, there is more than $29,000 in this fund to match donations from members!


Click here to donate!


The Canadian Political Science Association (CPSA) is a non-profit, registered charity with the Canadian Revenue Agency and provides tax receipts for all donations. Donors are listed on our Web site unless requested otherwise. Please consider making a contribution today.

What We Do

The CPSA promotes and facilitates the study of politics and government in Canada and worldwide. We connect students, researchers, practitioners, teachers, and public officials, both domestically and internationally. We support political science research and education through the following four main program streams:

  1. Building a Vibrant Community
  2. Fostering Emerging Talent
  3. Supporting Scholarly and Teaching Excellence
  4. Sharing Knowledge with Broader Communities

Your donation to CPSA will help us continue and expand this essential work for the discipline.

Student Testimonials

Anne Lachance, Assistant Professor, Université de Moncton  (PhD Queens, 2021)
I received graduate student funding to attend the Annual Conference of the Canadian Political Science Association in 2018. This conference represents an important mark on my career path. It gave me the opportunity to meet other academics that I would not have met otherwise and who have been instrumental in helping me grow and blossom as a scholar. The paper I presented received insightful comments from my discussant and the other members of my panel and thanks to their suggestions, this paper was ultimately published in a leading academic journal. I believe this publication was instrumental in helping me secure my tenure-track position at Université de Moncton. I consider this conference to be the most helpful I ever attended, and the funding I received from the CPSA helped make this possible. 


Kunle Adewumi (Graduate Student, Communications Assistant, 2021 CPSA Annual Conference)
Participating as an intern in the 2021 CPSA Conference came at a time when I was at a crossroad in deciding my future academic plans. Coming from a legal background, and serving on the Law and Public Policy Section panel, I was able to better understand the intersection of the two fields and identify areas where my legal and political science experience merged. Listening to and interacting with top scholars from various universities was a life-changing experience for me, and I am grateful for the opportunity. Furthermore, this experience gave me a sense of community through my interaction and shared experiences with other students from different universities, as well as the opportunity to learn important skills that have stayed with me beyond the conference.



2024 Donors

Frances Adam; Edward Grant Andrew; Michael Atkinson; Laurence Bhérer; Lisa Birch; David Black; Orlando Brosowsky; Barbara Cameron; Conor Columb; Anne-Marie Daoust; Cristine de Clercy; Minh Do; Robert Johnston Drummond; Erick Duchene; Aldo de Vassilly Dushime; Anna Esselment; James FitzGerald; Louise Fontaine; Émilie Foster; Genevieve Fuji Johnson; Patrick Goma-Maniongui; J. Andrew Grant; Joyce Green; Antoinette Handley; Aaron Hoffman; Lucas Kins; Veronica Kitchen; Amanda Kurp; Kiera Ladner; Samuel Victor LaSelva; Floyd McCormick; Allison McCulloch; Andrew McDougall; Andrew Malloy; Martin Papillon; Louis W. Pauly; Andrew M. Robinson; Jonathan Rose; Donald J. Savoie; Francesca Scala; Ethel Tungohan; Valérie Vézina; Carola Weil.