2023 CPSA Prize for the Best CJPS Article in Gender & Politics

Winner: Kelly Gordon
Mobilizing Victimhood: Situating the Victim in Canadian Conservatism (CJPS Vol 54:1, March 2021)
Excerpt from jury report: In this article, Gordon examines the political discourse of the Conservative Party of Canada. The analysis reveals the complex and sometimes contradictory ways in which gender appears in political persuasion. Through a critical discourse analysis of two controversial pieces of legislation (Bill C-10 and Bill C-36), Gordon challenges common interpretations of conservatism as anti-victimist, arguing that the Conservative Party has instead taken an “ambidextrous” approach, selectively (and somewhat surprisingly) incorporating both feminist and anti-racist concerns into its rhetoric. Original and rigorous in its analysis and beautifully written, “Mobilizing Victimhood” offers ambidexterity as a conceptual foundation for future research
Winners: Valérie Lapointe and Luc Turgeon
Diversités sexuelles et construction nationale : Une exploration des frontières de l’homonationalisme au Québec (CJPS Vol 54:2, June 2021)
Excerpt from jury report: The analyses of Quebec journalistic discourse between 1990 and 2017 conducted by the authors of this article highlight the homonationalization of Quebec discourse that is often constructed in relation to an “Other.” These analyses show that this “other”, long called “English Canada” before the 2000s, has become immigrants and Muslims after these years. This article offers a novel perspective on gender by pushing the boundaries of what is considered a gendered issue in political science. It offers a rich look at the discourses and their potential implications. It invites us to think outside the box and to look at political objects from a new angle in order to broaden our perspective and our political and media analyses.