Jun 1, 2016 | CPSA Prize in Comparative Politics, Prizes
2016 CPSA Prize in Comparative Politics Winner: Michelle BonnerPhoto: Michelle Bonner (University of Victoria), Aude-Claire Fourot (Simon Fraser University – jury member), and Yasmeen Abu-Laban (CPSA President 2016-2017), CPSA President’s Dinner, June 1 2016,...
May 31, 2016 | CPSA Prize for Teaching Excellence, Prizes
2016 CPSA Prize for Teaching Excellence Winner: Dietlind Stolle, McGill UniversityPhoto: J.P. Lewis (University of New Brunswick Saint John – jury member), Dietlind Stolle (McGill University), and Yasmeen Abu-Laban (CPSA President 2016-2017), CPSA President’s Dinner,...
Jun 4, 2015 | Prizes, Three Minutes Thesis Prize
2015 CPSA Three Minutes Thesis Prize Winner: Alison Smith (Université de Montréal) Filling the Gap : Cities and the Fight Against Homelessness in Canada Abstract: In big cities across Canada, groups of people are coming together to reduce or eliminate homelessness....
Jun 3, 2015 | Prizes, Vincent Lemieux Prize
2015 Vincent Lemieux Prize Winner: Paul May (École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (Paris), and UQAM (Montréal)Individual rights and redefining secularism: the case of religious arbitration courts in Ontario Photo: Paul May thanking the prize awarded at the...
Jun 3, 2015 | CPSA Prize in International Relations
2015 Prize in International Relations Winner: Eric HelleinerForgotten Foundations of Bretton Woods: International Development and the Making of the Postwar Order. 2014 Ithaca ; London: Cornell University Press.Photo: Eric Helleiner thanking the prize awarded at the...
Jun 3, 2015 | Jill Vickers Prize
2015 Jill Vickers Prize Winner: Karen Bird2014 CPSA conference paper – Challenges to Intersectional Inclusion: Institutional Dynamics of Ethnic Quotas and their Impact on Ethnic Minority WomenPhoto: Karen Bird holding the plaque for the 2015 Jill Vickers Prize....